Integrated Business Policy and Strategy

M&IS 44285

Summer 2004

June 14, 2004July 14, 2004


Instructor: Sandra Gustavson

Kent Office: A409  Phone 330.672.1160


Office Hours: after class, and by appointment


Text: Thompson, Arthur A. Jr. and Strickland, A.J., Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, Irwin Mc Graw Hill, 2003, 13th edition


Text Website:  Left margin, click on Student Center, then desired chapter to link to PPT for text.


Course Description


This course represents and integration of all of your previous knowledge and coursework on business management. It builds on basic principles of management and gives you tools for approaching an understanding of business strategy. To that end, you will be studying theories of strategy used in real-life business applications. It is your job to tie the two together based on materials from our text, materials given in class, your own research, and collaborative work with other class members. As with any new skill, you must learn to use the tools. We will practice the tools in class and in your assigned work throughout the semester. Applying material learned in this class to business setting, implies responsibility for and contributions to company performance. You would do well to keep this in mind as you approach this class. You may expect the work in this class to be commensurate with that responsibility.


During this course, you will be working with the following support materials


·        your text

·        library and internet references

·        articles of current interest from internet or popular media sources

·        readings from other texts

·        your own structured observations

·        detailed research using business resources on firms assigned in class.


Thus, the word “integrated” in the title of this course. We shall learn from academic sources and from each other. What we learn and share will expand the learning of all.


Class Management


Orion will be used for Class Management. You can register on this site by typing in Click on the opening screen; it will expand. Begin your registration by clicking on Courses at the lower left corner. At the next screen, click on Enroll in a Course. You will be lead through the rest of your registration. Orion will be used for on-line quizzes, posting handouts, links, communicating with the class and submitting coursework.


Course Withdrawal


Class withdrawal dates: June 19-July 6, 2004 to receive a W on your transcript.




Grades will be assigned as follows:


A         100-90

B         80-89

C         70-79

D         60-69

F          59 and below


Assignment Values *


Activity                                                                                                 Percent of Grade


I.                     Industry Analysis and Industry choice for Business Plan                    10%

II.                   Google Business Model                                                             10%

III.                  Business Plan Concept and Goals                                                       05%

IV.               Financial Goals and Objectives                                                            05%

V.                 Case Analysis                                                                                         20%

VI.               Final Presentation of Business Plan                                                     50%


Total                                                                                                                            100 %


*Subject to change based upon notice from the instructor


Class Requirements


All assignments described below are designed to support your learning and mastering of key business tools such as financial analysis, key success factors, value chain analysis and competitive analysis using Porters Five Forces Model.


            Class Participation


An attendance sheet will be circulated for every class. Students are expected to attend every class.  The classroom lectures, exercises and discussions are an integral part of the course and necessary for your full understanding of the subject.  In order to maximize the time spent in the classroom the student should read all assigned material prior to class and come prepared for discussion.  Attending class without reading that day's assigned material will often result in the student feeling lost and unable to learn from the discussion or classroom exercise.  This class functions on business principles. If you must be absent, please notify your instructor.       


Extra credit will be given for perfect attendance – 4 points; extra credit for one University approved absence, excused, 2 points.  More than one excused absence   no credit given.

Oral presentations and participation are critical skills for managers. As people who are or aspire to be managers, your oral communication skills are or will be an essential part of your effectiveness. Even introverted people can develop excellent communication skills.

Teamwork is integral to today’s workplace. We shall practice teamwork in this class setting. Students who do not participate and contribute to their team will be asked to leave their teams and will receive a lower grade. “Group presentation” means everyone in the group participates.

You will be given some opportunity to work during class toward completion of team assignments. In addition, there will be in-class assignments during the semester. You will be required to submit in-class assignments in writing. These assignments are not subject to “make-up” unless you have a University-approved absence.


            Reading Assignments


Please refer to attached schedules.


Course requirements


To complete this course, as a class of “investors,” you will be required to create a business plan that describes a strategy for your implementing a proposed business. This assignment will include several parts and will culminate in a final presentation on the last day of class. In addition, the class will study the business model of Google as it prepares for its IPO and complete a case analysis.


Industry Analysis, Selection of Industry for Business Investment


This assignment will be completed by the end of the second class. The class will meet in the library on June 16, 2004, and you will be guided through the resource materials required to conduct an industry analysis. Research will be conducted during class. At the end of class, you will be expected to present the evidence and conclusions of your research, making a choice of industries for your investment. On, June 21, the class will make a PPT presentation that will include:

1.      Evidence of your reasoning:

a.      Industries you considered and rationale (data)

b.      Industries you included and rationale (data)

c.      Industries you rejected and rationale (data)

2.      Your final decision about an industry in which to invest

3.      References that contributed to your decision


You will complete your research on June 16, discuss your conclusions, and make assignments for your presentation. You will have the week-end to create your presentation.


Google IPO


In research teams of three, study current articles from the internet re: Google as the company prepares for its Initial Public Offering (IPO). Develop your idea of Google’s business model (reference text: Chapter 1, p. 4-6, Case 14 ) based on material researched.  Review Google S-1 (link from Orion), through page 86. Note business description, pp. 75-86, as well as introductory letter and prospectus. Each research team shall turn in a minimum three-page summary plus references (use APA format) describing Google’s business model. This description should include a brief description of the auction approach to stock sales.


You can complete this assignment in timely way most successfully if each team member reads selected articles and members meet to discuss results and agree on model description.


Case Analysis


The class will be divided into three teams. Teams will choose among the following cases: Avon, Ebay, or SW Airlines. The instructor will provide a structure for analysis. On July 7, Cases will be reported in class. Case analyses will be presented using PPT.  No written report is required.


Business Plan


The class has become a group of investors. You will determine the industry in which you will create a business, specify the type of business, the dollar investment you will make and your sources of capital (the mix of capital from internal investors – you – and external investors – financial institutions, etc.), market analysis and plan, your strategy for achieving your financial and strategic goals.


In this assignment you will consider strategic issues at all levels:  macro (world), micro (industry and related industries), and the firm. 


All presentations will be done in PPT.


Part I. Business Concept


Report on your business concept, goals for investment, vision, mission statement.


Part II. Financial Goals


Report on financing of business. Required initial investment, sources of capital. Be specific in your selection and approach to sources of capital.


Part III. Final Presentation of Business Plan


Details shall be posted on Orion. Presented on the last day of class, July 14, 2004




All work submitted in this class should be single-spaced, using 12 point font, either Ariel or Times New Roman, 1 inch margins. Paragraphs may be blocked. Present your work as business documents, not entertainment. These requirements are listed on Orion.


Academic Honesty:


Cheating means to misrepresent the source, nature, or other conditions of your academic work (e.g., tests, papers, projects, assignments) so as to get undeserved credit.   In addition, it is considered to cheating when one cooperates with someone else in any such misrepresentation.  The use of the intellectual property of others without giving them appropriate credit is a serious academic offense.  It is the University's policy that cheating or plagiarism result in receiving a failing grade for the work or course.  Repeat offenses result in dismissal from the University.

Learning about and practicing Business Ethics is part of this course.

Student Disabilities:


In accordance with University policy, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access in this course, please contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester or when given an assignment for which an accommodation is required.  Students with disabilities must verify their eligibility through the Office of Student Disability Services (SDS) in the Michael Schwartz Service Center (672-3391).


Student Responsibility


Students have responsibility to ensure they are properly enrolled in classes.  You are advised to review your official class schedule during the first two weeks of the semester to ensure you are properly enrolled in this class and section.  Should you find an error in your class schedule, correct the error with your advising office.  If registration errors are not corrected and you continue to attend and participate in classes for which you are not officially enrolled, you are advised now that you will not receive a grade at the conclusion of the semester for any class in which you are not properly registered.

Note: This Syllabus may be updated or revised based on class discussions, interactions, and current events 



 Link to schedule